
dimanche 29 janvier 2012

The Female Brain

The Female Brain is Louann Brizendine's groundbreaking research on what makes women's brain different from men's and what are the biological and psychological components standing behind that difference. Louann Brizendine, M. D., is an acknowledged neurobiologist and a clinical professor currently heading the self-established Women's Mood and Hormone Clinic. The Female Brain is Brizendine's first book published in 2007 and followed by The Male Brain in 2010.
The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine is a thorough scientific study on female mental and emotional performance from childhood through adolescence and young adulthood to the post menopause period. With the main "sex hormones" such as "no cuddling" testosterone and "fluffy, purry kitty" oxytocin being the key characters of the book, the author blows the traditional feministic myth that bringing-up and evolutionary factor are the only "parties at fault" for the different mental structures of women and men.
The scientific language is smoothly moderated by playful and vivid style throughout the book thus making it readable and clear for understanding. However, this book from Louann Brizendine is not a pickup advice oriented book and has only an indirect focus on relationships thus only advanced daters can find it useful and applicable.
Let me try to mark out the essential points in a brief Female Brain review.
The content is too complicated material for beginner and intermediate daters. Not targeted at the dating advice market, the Female Brain is more of a scientific and psychological value. There is a lot of theory, and almost no practice.
Through a strong research backed up by serious medical and scientific resources the Female Brain draws up a valid substantiation of what makes women behave this or that way in various situations. It will definitely help you understand a woman's specific reactions that you would otherwise consider illogical. This product is ideal for the advanced learners who want to overpass superficial relationships and shock the opposite sex by a unique "mind-reading" ability.
What are the brain chemicals to make men think about sex every few minutes whereas women's mind may afford a sex thought only once a day in average; why do women talk about three times more than men do; what's the physiological "key" to give an almost unlimited access to women's tears as compared with men's innate restraint? These and many more amazing facts are revealed in The Female Brain Louann Brizendine reading which will definitely shape a better understanding of any woman's sexual and psychological character. However, it's worth noting again that all these advantages will be accessible only for an advanced reader.

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